Sleep Better
For a Healthy Lifestyle
Wake up refreshed!
The obvious side effect of not getting enough sleep is feeling flat-out awful. What you might not know is what good sleep actually does for you.
Getting enough sleep means getting through your day without feeling bleary-eyed and reaching for a not so stellar pick-me-up.
Prioritizing good sleep is good self-care.
Never underestimate the power of a hot shower, clean sheets and a long nap.
Improve your focus with better sleep.*
Good sleep…
- Keeps your immune system in check
- Regulates blood sugar
- Reduces carb cravings
- Supports your metabolism
Not getting enough sleep?
The good news is we can turn that around and make sure that getting 7-8 hours of sleep each night is not the elusive unicorn it once was.
*Sources: NHS
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Create a bed-time routine!
Run a hot bath and place a few drops of a high quality essential oil, such as lavender, in the water. Diffuse more relaxing oils in your bedroom. Turn all household lights to low or burn candles. Drink a cup of warm relaxing herbal tea. Avoid your mobile phone. Meditate or practice slowing breathing. Use sound to help, whether it is ambient white noise or soft soothing music.